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Bitburger - Radler naturtrub (4 pack 16.9oz cans)

Price: $10.29

Case Price (6): $61.20

Quantity in Stock: 3
* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Bitburger
Country Germany
Style Radler
Sku 15991
Size 4 pack 16.9oz cans
ABV 1.90%

Bitburger Description

It all started on a hot summer's day in 1922, as a Bavarian innkeeper became worried about his beer supplies becoming exhausted due to the numerous cyclists who were visiting his pub. Without further ado he decided to mix his beer with lemonade. This was an idea which went down very well, and thus Radler was born (in German it's called Radler, which means cyclist).

Citrus-fruity: 40% Bitburger Premium Pils and 60% naturally cloudy lemonade give our Radler naturtrüb cloudy its refreshing taste

Lemon-fruity as well as full-bodied and balanced in the trunk, our Bitburg Radler is naturally cloudy. 40% Bitburger Premium Pils and 60% naturally cloudy lemonade give the mixed beer its special taste, which is reminiscent of sun-ripened, juicy lemons - and this with only 1.9% alcohol. A full-bodied, fruity Radler with a fruity sweetness.

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