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Top Dog Cocktails - Peach Mango Tea Canned Cocktail (4 pack 12oz cans)

Price: $20.53

6+ Price: $19.37 / pack

Quantity in Stock: 5
* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Top Dog Cocktails
Country United States
Region Pennsylvania
Style Cocktail
Sku 21923
Size 4 pack 12oz cans
ABV 12.50%

Top Dog Cocktails Description

Peach Mango Tea

Here's the tea: Boasting big aromas of white peach and ripe mango, our vodka-based cocktail is full-flavored from the first sip to the last drip from the can. Not overtly sweet or sugary, there's nothing artificial to distract you from the tropical fruitiness and hint of lemon. There's no tea quite like it on the market. Don't get it twisted!

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